Сведения об авторах
Mont O., Plepys A., International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
RECO and RECO-East are waste management and spatial planning projects undertaken by large number of partners, e. g. regions, institutes, municipalities, universities and ministries, from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The main goal of the RECO project is to support the development of efficient waste management systems in the Baltic Sea region in order to ensure high environmental performance, low life cycle costs and coherence with EU and national legislation and targets.
The project fulfills this goal by:
• Capacity building through the development of regional waste management institutions, waste management handbooks in local languages, educational seminars, training and study visits;
• Supporting cross-border cooperation by establishing the development of a BSR Waste Management Council;
• Promoting public participation by developing material and activities for raising public awareness in waste management issues;
• Ensuring an efficient long term development of the waste management systems in the participating regions by developing and updating waste management plans;
• Supporting investments in waste management infrastructure by providing participating regions with information on best available technology, sources of funding and EU public procurement rules etc.
The RECO and RECO-East project focused on solid municipal waste and solid industrial waste. This presentation will provide overview of the activities conducted in various regions during the project, identify differences in the current situation and capacity building preparedness, and outline the main outcomes and lessons from the projects.
Mont Oksana, Associate Professor, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, P. O. Box 196, Tegnersplatsen 4, SE-221 00, Lund, Sweden. Tel. (46) 222-02-50, fax (46) 222-02-30. E-mail
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Последние изменения внесены 30.04.08